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Sustainable Welding & Awareness Welding Knowhow

Preventing welding fumes: what welders can do


Welding is an exciting and challenging job. Top welding specialists are considered heroes of a sort, are sought after around the world, and are handsomely paid wherever they go. The connections they create guarantee the safety of cars, bikes, planes, ships, trains, and more. Despite this, the profession sometimes suffers from a poor image and fewer young people want to learn this trade. Why is this? Well, welding produces welding fumes that are hazardous to health. However, unlike in the…

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Sustainable Welding & Awareness

When Light Becomes a Danger

Welding is an exciting and challenging job. In addition to manual dexterity, welders need extensive knowledge when it comes to choosing the right filler metals, welding parameters, clamping devices and welding sequences. Demanding and well-paid, this profession is both interesting and varied, but it also involves risks, especially if welders fail to protect themselves adequately during manual welding. Danger of Arc Radiation! In arc welding, the air between the electrode and the workpiece is ionized by applying an electrical voltage.…

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Sustainable Welding & Awareness

The consequences of welding without sufficient protection


Can you imagine a firefighter tackling a blaze without a helmet? Or a surgeon operating on a critically ill patient without sterile protective clothing? It’s almost unthinkable. Safety is paramount in these scenarios and the same applies to welders, whose work can pose significant health risks. This makes it all the more important to ensure they have sufficient protection measures in place. Failing to do so can even result in hospitalization, as is the case for welding and application engineer…

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Smart Technologies

Risk-free welding: why welding fume extraction is so important


It makes its way through the mouth and nose and into the smallest branches of the lungs – insidiously entering the body. “It” is welding fume. If you don’t use adequate protection, it spreads across the entire workshop and you breathe in the particles even when you’re not welding. So that’s the bad news. The good news is that targeted protective measures – first and foremost effective welding fume extraction – can significantly reduce exposure to welding fume. But what…

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