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Welding Stories

Andrea Stahl: A steely passion for creativity


Wherever we look, it’s apparent that welding is everywhere—be it in a swimming pool, on a building site, or out on the farm. But more than this, it’s also an expression of art, a craft with countless possibilities for turning the everyday into the extraordinary. Andrea Stahl is one such practitioner of this craft. The Swiss artist creates welded art for the home and produces unique pieces of furniture. Read on to find out what her creations look like, what…

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Welding Stories

Metalwork That Soars


They soar gracefully through the air, taking to the skies to hunt their prey as night falls, before eventually landing on Rich Baker’s welding table. Whether it’s a majestic eagle or a wise owl, the Canadian artist has a passion for birds of prey. He took a somewhat circuitous route into art, traveling through the worlds of country music and theater before finally arriving where he is today – his workshop deep in the heart of nature in Canada. Here,…

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