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Welding Knowhow

Smart Technologies Welding Knowhow

What is clad welding? Basics and application areas explained


Clad welding or cladding, also known as weld overlay, is a special welding process that is used to extend the service life of components and equipment. In particular when components are exposed to extreme conditions such as high temperatures, pressure, or aggressive chemicals, an additional protective layer is needed to prevent disastrous consequences.…

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Welding Knowhow

Will cobots encourage more young people to become welders?

Nina is getting a taste of her father’s metal construction company for the first time today. The demand for welding specialists is high. Many experienced professionals are gradually retiring, but welding is considered unattractive, hazardous to health, and dirty. Fewer and fewer young people want to learn this important trade. Nina also has her doubts. Work in the welding workshop is quite different to what she imagined. But she is amazed by what she sees next: innovative cobot welding systems…

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Smart Technologies Welding Knowhow

Metal 3D printing: The future of additive manufacturing

It is clear to see why the number of metal construction companies adopting 3D printing, known as simply WAAM (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing) in the industry, is on the rise. The growing demand for modern, individualized production facilities is closely followed by the desire for customized single solutions. Time and again, we need non-standard spare parts within the shortest possible time. And in prototype construction, we aim not only to save on tool costs but also to shorten development times.…

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Sustainable Welding & Awareness Welding Knowhow

Preventing welding fumes: what welders can do


Welding is an exciting and challenging job. Top welding specialists are considered heroes of a sort, are sought after around the world, and are handsomely paid wherever they go. The connections they create guarantee the safety of cars, bikes, planes, ships, trains, and more. Despite this, the profession sometimes suffers from a poor image and fewer young people want to learn this trade. Why is this? Well, welding produces welding fumes that are hazardous to health. However, unlike in the…

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Welding Knowhow

Weld sequencing: Greater control for better results

It knows what needs to be done and how. It reacts to the conditions and reliably guides welders to the desired result. It helps to quickly train welders and offers the best possible control over every weld. It supports companies in saving time and resources. It’s called weld sequencing. But what exactly is it? Welding with sequences is hugely beneficial for welders and companies alike. “Sequences” involve individual steps or instructions which guide workers through the welding process. Digital weld…

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Welding Knowhow

Manual welding: Why every weld matters

Every day we cross bridges, hold on to stair railings, lean over balustrades, and rely on the same thing when doing so: support and safety. These properties can only be achieved through flawless, high-quality weld seams produced by qualified manual welders. We are talking about a professional field in which there is a huge shortage of skilled workers—a problem that is causing concern in the entire industry. But what is actually important when it comes to manual welding? What can…

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Welding Knowhow

Surprisingly lifelike: Learning to weld on welding simulators

Watch Pia as she casually puts on her AR goggles, picks up her welding torch and pulls her weld. Noise, smoke and heat–all totally absent. She’s learning her craft on a welding simulator. Something that just a few years ago would have seemed like science fiction is now commonplace. But how does virtual welding work exactly? Is the experience comparable with “real” welding, and will it improve the quality of welder training and save money at the same time? And…

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Welding Knowhow

8 Anti-aging Tips for Your Welding System

First off: If you work with a high-quality welding system which has components that are easy to maintain and repair, it will last you a lot longer. However, even with highly sophisticated state-of-the-art technology like this, it is possible to extend the service life in just a few simple steps. We will show you eight simple and practical measures you can take to extend the operating life of your welding system. Nothing lasts forever, and at some point even the…

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Welding Knowhow

How does a new welding torch come into being?

Hour after hour, five days a week: anyone whose job involves MIG/MAG welding can’t help but know welding torches inside out. So what exactly makes a good welding torch? Is what qualified welders regularly reach for at work really the optimum solution? These are the sort of questions that are explored by the developers of welding torches. We took a look over their shoulder and now explain how new welding torches come into being and why the human factor plays…

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