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Welding Knowhow

Weld sequencing: Greater control for better results

It knows what needs to be done and how. It reacts to the conditions and reliably guides welders to the desired result. It helps to quickly train welders and offers the best possible control over every weld. It supports companies in saving time and resources. It’s called weld sequencing. But what exactly is it? Welding with sequences is hugely beneficial for welders and companies alike. “Sequences” involve individual steps or instructions which guide workers through the welding process. Digital weld…

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Welding Knowhow

Surprisingly lifelike: Learning to weld on welding simulators

Watch Pia as she casually puts on her AR goggles, picks up her welding torch and pulls her weld. Noise, smoke and heat–all totally absent. She’s learning her craft on a welding simulator. Something that just a few years ago would have seemed like science fiction is now commonplace. But how does virtual welding work exactly? Is the experience comparable with “real” welding, and will it improve the quality of welder training and save money at the same time? And…

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